• Client Vicente AB
  • Project logo design and visual identity
  • Role art director and graphic designer
  • Year 2020

A visual identity for Maria Vicente psychotherapy

Designing for Maria Vicente, a Stockholm based psychotherapist with a unique methodology and her own private practice.




Maria Vicente’s schema therapy methodology is quite non-traditional and unique in Sweden. With an approach that is non-judgmental and personal, she helps her clients unleash their creativity, innovation and power to change. Maria Vicente also conducts training for other therapists.

Her office is a calm safe environment, with a homey feel around plants, solid materials and earthy tones.


A mix of lower case letters and caps of the logo in an open, airy and minimalistic design, catches Maria’s professional, innovative yet personal approach. The rounded simplistic font accentuates this further.

The colors reflect the down-to-earth and solid connection Maria has with her clients as well as the decor and feel of her practice.

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