• Client SaveSwedenCov19
  • Project illustration for print
  • Role art director and graphic designer
  • Year 2020

Illustration to promote the use of facemasks during the pandemic

Concept and illustration for a print design to promote the use of facemasks in Sweden to bring down the Covid-19 infection rate.




Studies available at the time indicated face protection could limit the spread. The group SaveSwedenCov19 asked me to come up with a concept to encourage mask wearing. The Swedish Public Health Agency’s Covid-19 strategy, unlike most other countries’, did not include face protection. 


I chose a non-judgmental approach, communicating with a playful tone, a message that was lighthearted, inspiring and kind of communicated: “Dare to wear a mask! You will be hero.”  I added the superhero association, to make it fun and less confrontational. One version in Swedish and one in English.

The illustration

The illustration

The half of a face gives an overtone of superhero and seriousness. After all a superhero is a savior and protector solely focused on the task in front of them.  The style and the bold sans serif font lean towards the comic book genre. And of course all superheroes do wear masks.

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